This new procedure for anti-wrinkle treatment and skin tightening does not require any surgery. It is almost painless and allows you to go straight back to your everyday life. This technology focuses on penetrating the skin with fine micro-electrodes and then releasing radio frequency energy into the deep layers of the skin. This creates a heat effect that stimulates the collagen fibres to tighten. The MFR procedure also stimulates the continued formation of collagen.
It is possible to see the first results shortly after the start of treatment. Your skin looks firmer and younger. Over a period of 3-6 months, we stimulate the formation of new collagen structures, which can also significantly improve the complexion in the long term. Thanks to pretreatment with anaesthetic cream, the procedure is practically painless.
Incidentally, the radio frequency used in microneedling can also be used as an alternative to operative sweat gland suction, because the gentle technology helps to relieve excessive sweating in the armpit area.
Dr. med. Reinhard Pettker
Rankestr. 2
10789 Berlin
Phone: 030 40 36 86 140
U3, U1, U9: Kurfürstendamm
& U3 Augsburger Platz
Bus: 109 / M19 /M29 /110 /101:
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