Dr. med. Pettker
Ästhetische Dermatologie & Laserbehand­lungen in Berlin

Fruit acid peel

With the help of fruit acid, it is possible to reduce and remove callus skin. The peel also ensures better cell metabolism and moisturises the skin.

We recommend a bi-weekly application over a period of 2 to 3 months with a constantly increasing acid concentration. You can have a fruit acid peel, which is very well tolerated, carried out during your lunch break and is known as a so-called lunch time peel. Fruit acid is particularly beneficial in treating acne and pigment disorders.

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA): 

A TCA peel is ideal for treating wrinkles and reducing severe pigmentation. The result is a peeling effect that reaches the medium-deep and deep skin layers. Therefore, you should plan to take some downtime for about a week after the peel.

2-4 sessions are normally recommended, which we carry out every 2 weeks. Local anaesthetic in the form of an anaesthetic cream is used. The effect of TCA peels is particularly good.