Instead of torturing yourself with a razor, epilator or wax, it is possible to have unwanted body hair removed by a laser. It is a painless and effective treatment that can ensure wonderfully smooth skin.
We use an Alexandrite laser that emits light directly to the hair root. The light is converted into heat and atrophies the hair root so that it can no longer form hair. The laser protects the surrounding tissue and the upper layers of the skin because directly targets the hair roots. Depending on the skin type and region, you will need 3 to 10 sessions.
Make an appointment now for a preliminary examination and a personal consultation!
The costs for this will be calculated according to the German fees for physicians (GOÄ) and listed transparently in advance, as the health insurers do not pay for it. It is possible to payment in instalments starting at 50 euros per month.
Dr. med. Reinhard Pettker
Rankestr. 2
10789 Berlin
Phone: 030 40 36 86 140
U3, U1, U9: Kurfürstendamm
& U3 Augsburger Platz
Bus: 109 / M19 /M29 /110 /101:
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